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Find resources for critical health & human services.

To find or give help, just call 211 or visit the online help database. It’s free and it’s confidential. It’s available 24 hours a day. 211 connects you to 4,000 community services across the State of Hawaii.

The Emergency Food and Shelter Program began in 1983 with a $50 million federal appropriation. The program was created by Congress to help meet the needs of hungry and homeless people throughout the United States and its territories by allocating federal funds for the provision of food and shelter.

The annual Tools for School Drive's goal is to provide essential supplies to children on Maui, Moloka’i and Lāna’i for the upcoming school year. The program has helped more than 8,000 keiki in Maui County over the last decade.

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Maui United Way announced the successful launch of its initiative to support…
The Maui Postgraduate Dental Forum (MPDF), in collaboration with Maui United Way and…
Maui United Way has expanded its support for students attending the temporary…