To find or give help, call 211 or visit the online help database. It’s free and it’s confidential. It’s available 24 hours a day. 211 connects you to 4,000 community services across the State of Hawaii.
We're Here for You
Dial 2-1-1
With one phone call, an information and referral specialists can put you on the right track with services for:
- Families
- Health care
- Seniors
- Basic needs
- Consumer concerns
- Treatment services
- Tax and legal services
- Government programs
Visit the 211 Online Database
Search over 4,000 community services across the State of Hawaii with a click of a button. This service is available 24/7 and will connect you with the help you need.
Information Referral Program
If you are in need of assistance, you can call us directly at 808-244-8787 and we will work to connect you with services available in our community.