Safety Net Fund Info

During times of uncertainty, our community comes together to support each other. COVID-19 is a new test of our collective strength. As social distancing and self-quarantining become the new normal, we’re facing new economic challenges. Industries are seeing sales plummet, and workers are losing tips, wages or jobs because of canceled events, business and school closures. Children from low-wage families may not be getting breakfast or lunch when schools are closed.

To support this rapidly escalating need, Maui United Way has created the Emergency Safety Net Fund. Our Fund supports our Maui Nui communities struggling in the wake of the new virus, by supporting local non-profit agencies who provide these direct financial assistance services. We are committed to standing with leaders in our community and supporting those impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak. Our amazing Board of Directors has authorized $75,000 from our reserved assets to immediately seed this fund in the hopes that others will follow suit.

We are inviting corporate partners to join us in this effort. Together, we will overcome this pandemic by making sure the most vulnerable among us are protected. To support this fund, please consider making a donation to Maui United Way.

Due to Covid-19, we are creating a Safety net Fund to help the needs of those most impacted in Maui Nui. We have been meeting with community leaders and government officials to proactively plan and set up this fund to provide funds where it's needed the most.

Non-profit agencies who have programs providing financial assistance with:

  • Health/medical bills
  • Mortgage/Rent/Utility Expenses
  • Food Security
  • Child Care

Individuals in-need will go directly to the funded non-profit agencies to apply for assistance.

Non-profit agencies will apply and those agencies who are funded will be in charge of disbursing funds to those individuals who need it based on their existing criteria.

The online application is temporarily closed while we develop our reporting process and reassess the need of our community. We have created a report that will be sent to our funded agencies and will also be sending our a questionnaire to our other partners nonprofits to get insight into what they anticipate the needs being moving forward and that way we will be able to focus our funding to meet those needs and make the biggest impact. Mahalo for your patience in these uncertain times.

211 is Hawaii's only Resource hotline and they are your go-to for all questions regarding COVID-19. Simply dial 2-1-1 from any phone to be connected.


Emergency Assistance for Housing

Disaster Response & Preparedness for Maui County

Ultimate Journey at the Club & in Life

Community of Hope

Mobile Food Distribution


Rapid Response Coordination & Food Access to Unhoused

Community Food Security

Homeownership Education and Financial Literacy

Homeownership & Housing Counseling Services

Arts & Culture Education in East Maui

Emergency Financial Assistance

Children and Family Resiliency Program

Emergency Assistance for Client Housing

Adult Day Care Services

Supportive Care Services

Feeding Maui's Keiki and Kupuna

Foster Family Emergency Support

Residential and Psycho-social Rehabilitation Services

Ka Mohala

Family Services

First Aid Assistance

Hale Kau Kau

Emergency Shelter and Support















808-579-8414 x8501




808-579-8414 x8211







Hawaiian Electric Company

Sentry Insurance Foundation